Togarouter is a bot on FICS. It plays chess 24/7 using the fruit engine to select its moves. It was created to duplicate the efforts of ChessRouter (another bot) using an UCI engine. The hardware died on Sep 15, 2013, but a replacement was activated Jul 26, 2016.
Rosewill RNX-N150RT v1 (350 Mhz MIPS 24Kc (Atheros AR7240 SoC), 32 MB RAM, 4 MB flash) This is a rebranded TP-Link TL-WR741ND v1
TRENDnet TEW-652BRP R1.0 (400 Mhz MIPS 24Kc (Atheros AR9130 SoC), 32 MB RAM, 4 MB flash)
Actiontec GT-701 DSL Modem (150 Mhz AR7, 16 MB RAM, 4 MB flash)
Belkin F5D7230-4 v1232a (125 Mhz Broadcom 4710, 16 MB RAM, 4 MB flash)
Operating System
OpenWrt trunk (r49876 -- Jul. 26, 2016 -- Atheros AR7xxx Target)
icsdroneng 0.29
polyglot 1.4.70b
Toga II 1.4.1SE "C" port with SMP disabled
Hash: 4 MB
Book: polyglot book_small.bin
Resign: off
Kibitz Interval: 7 sec.
setoption name ownbook value false
setoption name hash value 4
position startpos
go depth 10
info depth 10 seldepth 23 time 3050 nodes 155122 nps 50862
info time 3051 nodes 155122 nps 50850 cpuload 960
info hashfull 90
bestmove d2d4 ponder d7d5
For perspective, my Pentium III 500 Mhz notebook with the same settings
gets 146618 nps, almost 3x faster.
- Jun 30, 2017 Taken offline. I'm pretty much done with the hobby.
- Jul 26, 2016 replacement hardware found. It has the same CPU, memory, and flash, but runs at 350 instead of 400 Mhz. Despite the 50 Mhz CPU shortfall, it operates about 15% faster than the previous hardware because of advances in OpenWrt and GCC.
- Sep 5, 2013 taken offline because the hardware died, online total: 1613 days
- Nov 16, 2012 updated to icsdroneng 0.28.
- Sep 21, 2012 added support for wild games excluding FR
- TogaRouter's blitz rating achieved new heights in Dec. 2009 due to a 3600 game blitz marathon
against Rookie over about 5 weeks. Rookie generally only plays humans, and was therefore
overrated against computer-only opponents like TogaRouter. A modest bump was therefore expected,
but the 400 rating points it achieved was surprising. [Since 2009, Rookie has been actively
developed and seen a significant boost in its rating while TogaRouter has remained static,
so it's no surprise that Rookie now greatly outclasses TogaRouter.]
- TogaRouter was created on March 24, 2008 running on a 125 Mhz Broadcom 4710 CPU (Belkin F5D7230-4 v1232a) getting 4200 nps. Later it ran on a 150 Mhz AR7 CPU (Actiontec GT-701 DSL modem) getting 5800 nps. Switching to OpenWrt in Jan 2009 eased operation and provided a better compiler which increased binary performance. The Belkin went to 5500 nps, and the Actiontec went to 8900 nps.